Wednesday, June 3, 2009


ive been absent from this little blog for a while. but i cant ignore the hardcore fans and loyal followers enticing me to blog again. this year has just been flying by, in a good way. well there is a contract on the house and the closing date is june 17th and then we head to phoenix to begin a new chapter. things are coming together. everything is packed and already there, aside for the things we are taking with us on the drive. (it's going to be snug) and its not like i have an enormous trunk, may be able to fit a dwidget in there with short fingers, thats about it. hey you, listen to this... who gives you a tv 4 years ago and then says he wants it back... maybe a crackhead with a passion for pogosticking and blowing up beach balls, or a needle poker injecting between his toes and playing choo choo train on his new track marks, but not a relative.. oh well..! well exactly 2 weeks left. im feeling excited. ive been in texas for 10 years now, a decade. (is that considered a generation?) and i always said i didnt want to spend more than 10 years here, and looks like its working out that way.

restaurants which will be missed:
palermos (not the new psycho staff)
maharaja (minus the anitsocial, expressionless waitress)oh lady i hope you read this!


  1. i say indian giver, that's who!

    those restaurants will be sorely missed but we'll find new ones. :)
